If you've missed this event, you can access a live recording of the webinar HERE

Following the Urban Planning and Nature-bases Surface Water Management webinar in November 2020 (attended by circa 500 people), and the Significant Water Management Issues Report, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) engaged in an intensive round of consultations across Local Authorities, Government Departments and Agencies, professional bodies and other stakeholders during 2021.
This two hour webinar will focus on how we move to a nature-based approach to urban rainwater management. It will be launched by Minister Malcolm Noonan and will include speakers from Wales and Ireland providing practical examples together with details of the following outputs from the project and the consultation exercise:
- Scoping Report with a roadmap of proposed steps towards the implementation of nature-based solutions; and
- Interim Guidance Document (official launch).
To successfully implement nature-based solutions, there is a need for a multi-disciplinary approach. We recommend this webinar for planners, engineers, architects, environmental scientists, community & enterprise, professionals in all areas of local authorities and anyone involved in the planning or design of developments. Nature-based solutions to the management of rainwater and surface water runoff can be applied at all scales of development, from one-off housing, roads to large scale industrial and urban development.
The event is free but attendees need to register at
There is also a link via the flyer available below for download.